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To: Delmonico Grill and Tally’s Silver Spoons’ Employees, Loyal Customers and Community, 
I thought it appropriate to take a minute to address you all personally with what I am doing with my restaurants at this critical time. I have decided to adhere to the recommendations of the CDC and the WHO and in order to do that we will be closing both Delmonico Grill and Tally’s Silver Spoon for a minimum of two weeks. South Dakota has a very low rate of infection and the opportunity right now to keep it that way. Research and simple observation is showing that the only way to do that is safe distances. In my opinion, dining rooms are not safe. I think we should all look at our day to day and evaluate what we can do to limit our own exposure. For my staff and I, at least for the next two weeks, this is my answer. At that time we will evaluate where we are as a community and a country and decide if and how to re-open and with what, if any new services will be implemented. We want to be sure we can staff for that and ensure the best quality while remaining profitable. From a business perspective, we are not able to sustain the slow hemorrhage of cash from our bank accounts to stay open and experiment with business models that include curb-side food and take-out. It’s easy to say that we would just make that shift to hang on, but we are too labor heavy to operate that way and frankly our food is far better in house at both locations. There are only so many we things we know right now, and the rest requires a lot of trust. I appreciate the efforts of our government to assist at this time and intend to help my employees take full advantage of the programs as well as utilize them myself. For now, we will take what little cash we have and hold on to it for a safer time to open the doors. 
I want to thank all my hard working and talented staff for continuing to come to work and give 100% in one of the most vulnerable businesses to this virus. As we navigate this situation, we will keep you informed of what we intend to do and what you can expect from us. I intend to find the quickest way to reopen safely and will keep you informed of that progress. We will continue to monitor unemployment options and help you any way we can to get you signed up for any programs available. The Community of Rapid City is indeed a very generous one and it is very grateful to you for what you do. They know that our industry is going to be hit first and hard and at the urging of several of those community members and starting with their donations I am starting a Go fund Me page for the staff of both restaurants. We will be distributing that to all employees equally after the first two weeks of closure and weekly after that should it continue. Everyone is to consider themselves “job-attached” and that this is temporary. 
I want to let our customers and community know that we find this very difficult to do. The decision to ask people to stay home and practice safe distances when out minimally, not to come here and eat drink and be merry in the face of this new threat is out of character for me. Self-preservation, however, is not and the two of these things are now in conflict. Preservation wins because it’s about more than just me, it’s my staff and you as well. We want to be here down the road and feel this is the best strategy for us. We hold no judgement against any other establishments for whatever they choose to do at this time, this decision is for these restaurants not for others with different space, menu, and financial situations. Please support those who are able to safely continue to stay open and serving. Please do consider making a donation of any size to help our employees out during this time. We will keep you posted on our moves toward re-opening.

Thank you all very much. Stay safe, wash your hands, keep your distance. Hope to see you soon.


Benjamin Klinkel
Tally’s Silver Spoon, Delmonico Grill


Open Daily - 11 AM- 4 PM


Open Daily - 5 PM - 9 PM







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